Franco Maria Ricci, 2024. Hardcover, 150pp., 9 x 13 inches
Even though they belong to the mineral kingdom, the stones in the collection of the French writer Roger Caillois appear miraculously similar to works of art. Beginning from this mysterious but captivating link between two such apparently distant universes, the book collects a carefully curated selection of the finest stones in the collection and recounts the life of Caillois (sociologist, member of the surrealist movement), reviewing and presenting his essays on stones.
His essays on rocks have been reintroduced, while texts by other others define his personality, the cultural climate in which he lived and certain natural wonders. The central part of the volume contains a selection of essays by Caillois on rocks, and his masterfully chosen words are a blend of geological knowledge and mysticism, of science and art. Closing the volume is the speech given by Marguerite Yourcenar following Caillois’ death and on occasion of her election to the prestigious Académie de France – a speech retracing the life and works of her predecessor.