The Peyote DanceAntonin Artaud$250.00
Hard LightEd Ruscha and Lawrence Weiner$600.00
ProjectsFriedrich St. Florian$200.00
OUTStädtisches Museum Mönchengladbach (A Man Climbs A Mountain Because It Is There / A Man Makes A Work Of Art Because It Is Not There)Carl AndreSOLD OUT -
Charles Burchfield: His Golden Year, A Retrospective Exhibition [Signed]Charles Burchfield$500.00
Rolling Stones Fans [Limited Edition Box-Set with Signed Silver Gelatin Print]Joseph Szabo$1,250.00
Just Another Asshole #6Barbara Ess and Glenn Branca (eds.)$200.00
OUTNew York Living RoomsDominique NabokovSOLD OUT -
Sappho's BoatEileen Myles$200.00
Waltzing MatildaAlice Notley$100.00
OUTLove is Colder than Death: The Life and Times of Rainer Werner FassbinderRobert KatzSOLD OUT -
Indoor & Outdoor Paintings 1967-1978Sam Gilliam [Hugh M. Davies, Jay Kloner]$250.00
Mephistopheles and The Androgyne: Studies in Religious Myth and SymbolMircea Eliade$100.00
Strange LandscapeTony Duvert$200.00
The Recurrent, Haunting Ghost: Essays on the Art, Life and Legacy of Marcel DuchampFrancis M. Naumann$400.00
OUTSongs for the Unborn Second BabyAlice Notley [ed. Bernadette Mayer & Lewis Warsh]SOLD OUT -
Pauline Kael on Jonathan DemmePauline Kael$100.00
Word Rain (or A Discursive Introduction to the Intimate Philosophical Investigations of G,R,E,T,A, G,A,R,B,O It Says)Madeline Gins$300.00
The Poems of St. John of the CrossSt. John [John Frederick Nims (trans.), Robert Graves (ed.)]$100.00
OUTMadame de SadeYukio MishimaSOLD OUT -
Memphis Milano [Three sales catalogs 1986-1987]Sottsass Associati; Christoph Radl, Maria Marta Rey Rosa$300.00
Paris Vogue No. 662 (Décembre 1985 - Janvier 1986) [David Hockney issue]Vogue$300.00
Guy de Cointet: A Captain From PortugalGuy de Cointet$750.00
OUTWhat's Happening in SoHoGeorge Levitine and Marchal E. LandgrenSOLD OUT